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In 2020, I started chronicling my journey about how I was learning about social justice issues and the eventual connection between instructional design work and design justice.  With each passing year, I read more, worked harder, and spent time thinking about what it meant to be an ethical instructional designer. I found resources, people, frameworks, and tools to elevate my thinking and train myself in a way that was different from the degree I had received almost 13 years earlier.


In the fall of 2020, Amy Collier's article on inclusive design and design justice sparked a new direction in my thinking about how to approach DEI issues in instructional design. This wasn't the first time I had heard about Design Justice, but it was the first time I had read about applications within higher education.


After attending the Online Learning Consortium's Ideate sessions in the spring of 2021, I connected with several others interested in reading Sasha Costanza-Chock's Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need. After reading the book, a small group of us began discussing the idea of starting a node or working group within the Design Justice Network (DJN). In the late summer of 2021, Sarah Watulak Lohnes, Katrina Wehr, Amy Collier, and I met to begin the process of organizing our thinking and actions to form the working group and by December of that year, we had formally created our group through the DJN. 


I have shared a timeline of events that captures the significant moments in the creation and continued evolution of our group. Please continue to the portfolio to learn more. To access just the documents (these are embedded within the portfolio), please visit the artifacts page.


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